Climate impact

Alongside our monitoring and analysis-to-action process, our clients are supported in minimizing their environmental footprint through the implementation of less polluted and more sustainable actions, and outputs, in three complementary ways.

By reducing the use of chemicals through our predictive analysis and resource optimization, we are in the position to allow:

saving 1 CO2 eq. ton/year per user (*)

Doing some math, with just 3.000 users (20% of our initial beachhead market), we could cut 2.9Ktons of CO2 equivalent/year. Also saving a considerable amount of water in the situations where it is needed/used, plus the energy to pump it as well. Such estimative figures have been cross-checked during the competition and mentoring path at Climate Launchpad (we made it to the Grand Final Top10 – Food Systems!), by experts from

With 20% of our beachhead market (3k users) we could cut 2.9K CO2eq tons in three complementary ways.

In so doing, we aim to actively contribute to 6 SDG goals:

(*) average land-size: 2ha [estimated performance: 500kg/ha/year]

Project: Advanced Solutions for the Blue Economy

Dive into a new way of looking at the sea and the coastline. With the most advanced technologies, we are able to transform vast amounts of data into valuable information for sustainable management of our coasts and blue infrastructures.